( 'siri' 검색된 자료수: 3건) - 조회순으로 정렬 , 추천순으로 정렬 , 날짜순으로 정렬
He’s hoping and waiting.
He’s ever desiring for you...
To turn to Him.
He knows your deepest thought,
Your every situation.
He u...
...omers whom the Lord is calling and is desiring
to obtain in Revelation 2 and 3.
(Titus 3:15;2)
우리는 보이는 것으로 행하거나 밖의 상황을 염려하지 말아야 ...
사랑방 - 2011-11-23 오후 6:47:11
The gift of righteousness is measured in abundance,The depth of His love I'll never understand
사랑방 - 2011-10-19 오후 12:45:10
교회들, 문의전화 : 1544-6302
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