( 'smart' 검색된 자료수: 9건) - 조회순으로 정렬 , 추천순으로 정렬 , 날짜순으로 정렬
...ou are. You may think that you are very smart and say to yourself, “How smart I am! No one else has noticed that evening has come. But I kno...
이만나 - 2022-12-19 오전 12:02:12
...ou are. You may think that you are very smart and say to yourself, “How smart I am! No one else has noticed that evening has come. But I kno...
이만나 - 2019-12-27 오전 12:03:12
...ou are. You may think that you are very smart and say to yourself, “How smart I am! No one else has noticed that evening has come. But I kno...
이만나 - 2017-01-03 오전 12:06:01
...ou are. You may think that you are very smart and say to yourself, “How smart I am! No one else has noticed that evening has come. But I kno...
이만나 - 2014-01-08 오전 8:54:01
...ou are. You may think that you are very smart and say to yourself, “How smart I am! No one else has noticed that evening has come. But I kno...
이만나 - 2003-10-24 오전 12:00:10
... overcoming life is easy. Those who are smart and have a 15
good memory can understand and remember it readily. But when they are faced with...
이만나 - 2001-08-02 오전 12:00:08
...ou are. You may think that you are very smart and say to yourself, “How smart I am! No one else has noticed that evening has come. But I kno...
이만나 - 2011-02-20 오후 11:26:02
발신인: 한국 지방교회들 &nb...
성경자료실 - 2008-12-01 오후 8:33:12
지난주 신언 시간에 한 자매님께서 “남편 앞에 제 자신이 다 드러났습니다.”
곧 이어 다른 자매님이 또 “제가 어떠한지 다른 사람들은 몰라도 우리 식구는 잘 압니다.”
하하하… 다들 웃었습니다. 자매님들의 가정에서의 분냄에 관한 이야기였거든요.
그러나 그 교통들은...
사랑방 - 2007-06-07 오후 10:37:06
교회들, 문의전화 : 1544-6302
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