지방교회 블로그카페모바일-섹션섹션글모음터

( 'siri' 검색된 자료수: 3건) - 조회순으로 정렬 , 추천순으로 정렬 , 날짜순으로 정렬
... He’s hoping and waiting. He’s ever desiring for you... To turn to Him. 2 He knows your deepest thought, Your every situation. He u...
지방교회스토리 - 2021-01-08 오후 4:14:01
...omers whom the Lord is calling and is desiring to obtain in Revelation 2 and 3. (Titus 3:15;2)   우리는 보이는 것으로 행하거나 밖의 상황을 염려하지 말아야 ...
사랑방 - 2011-11-23 오후 6:47:11
The gift of righteousness is measured in abundance,The depth of His love I'll never understand
사랑방 - 2011-10-19 오후 12:45:10

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