지방교회 블로그카페모바일-섹션섹션글모음터

( 'To dear my' 검색된 자료수: 0건)
1 Lord Jesus Christ, our heart feels sweet Whene’er we think on Thee, And long that ...
찬송이 좋아요! - 2012-07-20 오후 11:32:07
1 O how deep and how far-reaching Is Thy love, dear Lord, to me! Far beyond my pow’r...
찬송이 좋아요! - 2012-07-16 오후 5:53:07
1. To You, dear Lord,I give myself afresh againUnsparingly for Your desire,Your ...
찬송이 좋아요! - 2012-07-11 오후 5:37:07
1. Dearest Lord, You've called us here,And opened up Your heart.O the joy to hear Your cal...
찬송이 좋아요! - 2012-07-01 오후 10:48:07
1 O how deep and how far-reaching Is Thy love, dear Lord, to me! Far beyond my pow’r...
찬송이 좋아요! - 2012-06-23 오후 1:18:06
* Draw me, dear Lord.Draw me today.From everything else, dear Lord,Draw me away.1. O Lord,...
찬송이 좋아요! - 2012-06-13 오후 8:55:06
1.Lie still, and let Him mould thee! Oh, Lord, I would obey;Be Thou the skillful Potter, ...
찬송이 좋아요! - 2012-04-12 오후 2:57:04
1 O how deep and how far-reaching Is Thy love, dear Lord, to me! Far beyond my pow’r...
찬송이 좋아요! - 2012-03-29 오후 5:11:03
1.Nearer each day to me,Dearer each day to me,This Person inside me isBecoming reality.Sav...
찬송이 좋아요! - 2012-03-23 오전 9:37:03
1 O Lord, Thou art in me as life And everything to me! Subjective and available, ...
찬송이 좋아요! - 2012-03-14 오후 5:09:03
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