찬송가 6회
I heard the voice of the Lord
I heard the voice of the Lord
Saying, Whom shall I send?
I heard the voice of the Lord
Saying, Who will go for us?
And I said, I’m here, send me, Lord.
I pour out the cost of my life;
My future is vain?my destiny’s Christ;
Christ is everything!
The people who know their God
Will rise up and show strength!
People who thus know their God
Will take action and move!
We will spread You, Lord, through the earth.
Lord, make us faithful to the end,
Our life and our all be utterly spent,
Spent for the church.
Who’ll bring Your kingdom to come?
These whose hearts are burned with fire.
Who will fight the spiritual war?
They descend as mighty ones!
O Lord Jesus, capture our hearts;
Lord make Your desire our desire!
Your worth’s nothing less than all of our life!
Our life’s to bring You back!
음원 : https://soundcloud.com/hymnstream/i-heard-the-voice-of-the-lord
악보 : https://www.hymnal.net/en/hymn/ns/562
영상 : S&R YouTube Channel 님의 동영상, 출처: Pexels
영상 : eberhard grossgasteiger 님의 동영상, 출처: Pexels