(마14:28~30) 예수님께서 "오십시오."라고 하셨다. 베드로가 배에서 내려 물 위를 걸어 예수님께로 갔으나, 거센 바람을 보고 두려워하여 물에 빠져 들어가자, 소리 지르며 "주님, 나를 구원하여 주십시오!"라고 하였다. (고후5:7) 왜냐하면 우리가 믿음으로 행하고, 보이는 것으로 행하지 않기 때문입니다.
Matthew 14:28 And Peter answered Him and said, Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water. (29) And He said, Come. And Peter, coming down from the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. (30) But seeing the strong wind, he became frightened; and as he began to sink, he cried out, saying, Lord, save me! 2 Corinthians 5:7 (For we walk by faith, not by appearance)
It was a miracle that Peter could walk on the waters. He walked on the waves by faith. Faith is our action upon the word of the Lord. To have faith does not mean that we are able to do things; neither does it mean that we make up our mind to go in a certain direction. Faith simply means that, although we may be very weak, we dare to act upon the Lord's word. The Lord said to Peter, “Come,” and Peter took that word, acted upon it, and walked on the waves. Peter came down from the boat and walked on the waves by faith in the Lord's word; however, when he saw the strong wind, his faith vanished. He should have walked only by faith in the Lord's word, not by the sight of the circumstances. Since the Lord said to Peter, “Come”, Peter should have stood on that word and not doubted. Hence, the Lord rebuked him. Faith comes from the Lord's word and stands on the Lord's word. As long as we have the Lord's word, we should simply believe in His word and not doubt. |