Msg. 16 LS of Daniel--"오직 자기 하나님을 아는 백성은.. ~
코너스톤 , 2012-11-25 , 조회수 (4445) , 추천 (0) , 스크랩 (1)
Today, as I read and listen to Msg 16 of LS of Daniel, I got one verse, “The people who know their God will show strength and take action.” (Daniel 11:32)
Judas Maccabeus and his people showed strength and took action against Antiochus Epiphanes who was the type of Antichrist! At present age, we in the Lord’s recovery have been knowing the Economy of God. Amen!! And so We should show strength and take action!
Verses 33 through 35 go on to speak more concerning the Maccabees.
 Verses 33 tells us that “those with insight among the people will cause the many to understand.” That is, to teach others to understand God’s will. According to verse 34, the Maccabees would receive a little help, and many joined themselves to them in word only. Finally, verse 35 says, “Some of those with insight will fall, in order to refine the people and to purify and cleanse them, until the time of the end, for the end is still at the appointed time”

Antichrist will come to his end when Christ as the stone cut out without hands comes with His bride to smash the great human image from the toes to the head.
During the church age, the age of mystery, Christ is building up the church to be His bride. In Revelation 19 Christ will marry His bride and then come with her as His army to deal with Antichrist and his armies, which will be gathered around the city of Jerusalem. Since Antichrist will not believe in God or Christ but only in himself, the appearing of Christ with His bride will be a great surprise to Antichrist and his followers.
For his enjoyment Antichrist will pitch the tents of his palace between the Mediterranean Sea and the beautiful holy mountain. And that juncture Christ will come with His bride to bring Antichrist to his end.

Amen Amen!! Hallelujah~ ~~

Through Judas Maccabeus and his people who showed strength and took action against Antiochus Epiphanes, We can see the picture of Christ and His overcomers who will defeat Antichrist and his armies. Amen!! Hallelujah~ ~~

Lord Jesus! I will exercise my will, and my spirit to show strength and take action in the Your Recovery. I’m so proud of being one of members as the Lord’s Army on the earth to fight against Satan and his followers. I won’t be against the heavenly Visions related with the Economy of God, which has been shown into my spirit! I love Jesus Christ my Lord and Lord’ Recovery! Amen..
주의 회복, 라이프스타디, 다니엘11:32

2012-11-25 20:58:18   추천
"오직 자기 하나님을 아는 백성은 강하여 용맹을 발하리라" (단 11:32)

“The people who know their God will show strength and take action.” (Daniel 11:32) Amen!! LOrd~ ~~ Jesus!