What Miracle What Mystery(어떤 기적 어떤 비밀인가)
하나님-사람 , 2012-03-05 , 조회수 (3443) , 추천 (0) , 스크랩 (1)

1.What miracle! What mystery!
That God and man should blended be!
God became man to make man God,
Untraceable economy!
From His good pleasure, heart's desire,
His highest goal attained will be.

2.Flesh He became, the first God-man,
His pleasure that I God may be:
In life and nature I'm God's kind,
Though Godhead's His exclusively.
His attributes my virtues are;
His glorious image shines through me.

3.No longer I alone that live,
But God together lives with me.
Built with the saints in the Triune God,
His universal house we'll be,
And His organic Body we
For His expression corp'rately.

4.Jerusalem, the ultimate,
Of visions the totality;
The Triune God, tripartite man?
A loving pair eternally?
As man yet God they coinhere,
A mutual dwelling place to be;
God's glory in humanity
Shines forth in splendor radiantly!

(Repeat the last two lines of each stanza.)
