Nearer each day to me (서울교회 young people)
작은지체 , 2009-02-08 , 조회수 (3746) , 추천 (0) , 스크랩 (0)

며칠 전, 2009년 전국 청년대학생 특별집회 때 불렀던 찬송이죠.^^




<verse 1>


Nearer each day to me, dearer each day to me,


this Person inside me is becoming reality.


Saving me, loving me faith and hope giving me.


You're all the world to me, Jesus my Lord.




<verse 2>


Even when faith is small,


when threre's no hope at all,


I hear Him say to me.


"Trust in Me and you'll see,


 that I'l supply all your needs, if only you will believe.


 All anxious doubts will cease, while trusting in Me."