The Spirit of the Lord
개인/ 중창 찬송
하나님-사람 2014-08-20 , 조회 (1990) , 추천 (1) , 스크랩 (0)

The Spirit of the Lord (Isaiah 61:1-3)

The Spirit of the Lord Jehovah is upon Me,

Because Jehovah has anointed Me To bring

good news to the afflicted; He has sent Me to bind up 

the wounds of the brokenhearted,

To proclaim liberty

liberty to the captives,

And the opening of the eyes to those who are bound;

To proclaim the acceptable year of Jehovah

And the day of vengeance of our God;

To comfort all who mourn;

(repeat previous 3 lines)

To grant to those who mourn in Zion,

To give to them a headdress instead of ashes,

The oil of gladness instead of mourning,

The mantle of praise instead of a spirit

of heaviness; That they may be called

the terebinths of righteousness, The planting of Jehovah,

that He may be glorified.

Ordinary Days 앨범


추천 스크랩 전체목록

To comfort all who mourn